Who Are We Affiliated With?

We affiliate regionally with a larger community of believers who call themselves Mennonite Church Alberta (MCA). MCA covenants with four regions to form Mennonite Church Canada, which is part of a larger Mennonite World Conference.

In our tradition, the local congregation empowers the larger regional groupings to do work that is too large for a single congregation. The direction is from the local congregation upward, rather than being directed down from above.

Mennonite Church Alberta is a fellowship of twelve congregations from across Alberta, representing various cultural groups united by our faith in Jesus Christ.

Together we are part of a larger Mennonite family that extends across Canada and around the world!  We share a love for Christ and his kingdom, working together to build up the church and follow Jesus in all aspects of our lives.

MCA’s vision is to be a community of Anabaptist-Mennonite congregations worshiping the Triune God, unified in Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, living a Biblical faith, growing as communities of grace, joy and peace, and together presenting Jesus Christ to the world.

Mennonite Church Canada is a partnership among Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, Mennonite Church Manitoba, Mennonite Church Saskatchewan, Mennonite Church Alberta and Mennonite Church British Columbia.

God calls, equips and sends the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a community of disciples of Jesus, a part of the Body of Christ, covenanted together as congregations, regional churches, and a nationwide church body. Gratefully responding to God’s initiatives and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves and our resources to calling, equipping and sending the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mennonite World Conference exists to be a global community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, facilitate relationships between Anabaptist-related churches worldwide, and relate to other Christian world communions and organizations.

We are also closely associated with the following camp, schools and organizations:

Camp Valaqua

Menno Simons Christian School (MSCS)

Rosthern Junior College (RJC)

Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)

Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS)

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)

Canadian Mennonite Magazine

Common Word


Creation Care Network

Mennonite Mutual Insurance