Community is the centre of our life.

Our Life

Forming community and connections with fellow church members is very important. We encourage congregants to take part in activities in and outside of Sunday morning.

Sunday School and VBS

Educating adults and children in our Christian faith is an important work of the church. Sunday School programs are available for both adults and children (September to June).

One-week each summer, we host Vacation Bible School (VBS). It's an opportunity for kids and adults to connect, to have fun, and to learn more about Jesus.

Youth Ministry

In addition to Sunday School, we offer youth events for Jr. High and Sr. High students (grades 7-12). The youth group meets weekly for fellowship, fun & games and devotional discussion.

As a community of  faith we seek to have a youth program that creates a space for belonging and connection. We try hard to make each student feel at home and a part of the group. Averaging 10-15 students, we work at faith formation, helping students foster their connection with God through devotional times and retreats. Our prayer is for youth to realize they are fully loved by God and have a place in God’s work in the world through Jesus.

Coffee Hour

From September to early June, an informal coffee hour is held most Sundays during Sunday School hour (9:30-10:30).  In the summer, coffee and snacks are available outside after the service.

Small Groups

There are a number small groups within the church, varying from evening bible or book study, to those with special interests like crokinole, walking, hiking or exercise activities. Other may serve with social service charities, such as preparing meals for The Mustard Seed ministry or for Ronald McDonald House.

J.O.Y. Group - Just Older Youth

As we grow older, regular church attendance may become a challenge. In addition, more people than ever are staying close to home right now, especially seniors. A number of volunteers within the church work to keep connected to those whose illness or mobility restrictions make it difficult to come to worship regularly. JOY Group for Seniors (who are really Just Older Youth), have been sharing a monthly newsletter in which they share stories about what God is doing in their lives; what they are learning and reflecting on these days. If you would like to be included in these emails, please contact the church office.   

Church Retreats and Study Weekends

We typically hold a less formal Church Retreat in fall to help people connect at our Camp Valaqua. Most years there is also a learning weekend with a guest speaker brought in to teach on some topic of current interest.